“I’m hungry!”

I hear these words constantly from my growing boys. Today they had oranges and broccoli as part of their lunches. The rule is when they get home from school, they need to try to eat the rest of their lunch before eating other foods. This isn’t usually a problem when they have the type of fruits or vegetables that they are willing to eat. One eats celery, the other two don’t. Two like carrots, the other doesn’t. Two eat all kinds of berries, the other one won’t touch them. So I have to constantly have a variety of different fruits and veggies and to remember the individual preferences of each kid when packing their lunches. The hard part is getting to the market twice a week. I found that if I stock up and only go once a week, the fruit either goes bad or the kids are wanting something different. If I go twice a week, the produce is fresh and there is more variety for the kids to pick from. I usually go on the weekends. Ideally, another trip would be mid-week. But, today is already Wednesday and I know I won’t make it to the market again until Thursday of Friday. As of today, the kids ate all the fruit except the oranges and the veggies are down to celery and broccoli. Hope I can get them to eat it 5 servings of the same stuff until I make it to the market! 

About Me

I’m a busy mom of three boys. After staying at home for a decade, I recently went back to work part-time. I’m also taking a social medial course cs5711 at the local junior college. With the kids’ busy schedule and my class school and work, I must use the time I have wisely. This means eating right as often as possible. This blog was created to help me to track my progress in getting myself and my family to eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day.